Angel’s Parent Handbook
Angel’s Parent Handbook
Angel’s Parent Handbook
Angel’s Parent Handbook
Qualified and professional caregivers provide a
well-planned program designed to meet the needs of the children at their
respective chronological and developmental levels.
The daily program includes a combination of planned and free play activities
designed to meet the physical, social, emotional and intellectual needs of the
We believe that parents are the primary caregivers in their child’s life and we
will encourage open communication to ensure that the needs of the child and the
family are met.
The children in our program have the right to receive love, friendship, respect
and quality education and care from all
who work here.
Parent/Guardian will:
Staff will:
Children of all abilities are not only welcome,
but valued, as children who have much to teach others in respect to
individuality. All children will be essential members of our group.
Where they have skills and talents, they will be utilized. Where they have
weaknesses, they will be encouraged to grow. If the child needs particular care
and attention, the other children will develop a caring and empathic nature as
they are encouraged to help one another. Children learn much from peers and the
adults around them. The adults at Angel’s will model respectful, caring
behaviour at all times. Children
will be closely supervised at all times. School-age children may occasionally
be allowed to do activities in another room, as the caregiver tends to younger
children. Children in overnight care will not necessarily be in sight of the
caregiver while sleeping, but will be in close proximity to them.
Daily Routine Traveling to and from school: School-age children will be taken to the school and dropped off in the playground
between 8:45 8:55 a.m., at which time the school will be responsible for
them. School age children will be picked up at 3:30 at a pre-determined location
within the school/grounds and escorted back. Early dismissal will be treated the
same. Outings and Field Trips: As well,
we go on spontaneous walks or trips to nearby parks etc. A blanket permission
slip for walks and outings not requiring transportation is included in the
agreement form. Meals
and snacks are provided for the children, except in the case of infant food and
formula. Children
will be encouraged, but not forced, to try a variety of foods. Every effort
will be made to accommodate the children’s tastes while at the same time
providing nutritious meals and snacks that follow the Canada Food Guide. Parents
are responsible for letting us know of any known allergies, and we will make
All children are required to sit while eating
and drinking.
Menus are posted and changes noted. Parents may
request a copy of the menu. Please
let us know when you are ready to consider toilet learning your child. If we
notice signs that he/she may be ready, we may contact you first. Either way,
we’ll work together so he/she can master this important skill. We need
to work together on this because your child will be learning to use the toilet
both at your home and at child care. Children can’t succeed if the expectations
and practices change from place to place and adult to adult.
Nap time/Quiet time
We realize that rest periods are as individual
as the children themselves. Please discuss your child’s resting/napping habits
with a staff member. Parents
are asked to provide the following labeled items for their child’s participation
in the program:
We will supply sunscreen and
child-strength insect repellent. Please ask to see the product label if there
are concerns about allergies, etc. A permission slip is required for us to apply
sun screen and mosquito repellent.
We trust that the parent should be able to
determine if the child is ill and needs to stay home. Below are some guidelines
to follow:
In the case of a communicable disease
we need to be notified so that we can make other parents aware of symptoms to
watch for in their own children. If a child becomes ill during the day, or if
their illness is such that they display lethargic or erratic behaviour, we may
feel that it is in the child’s best interest for the parent to be contacted so
that alternate arrangements can be made for the care of their child.
Administration of Medication/Medicine
There will be consent forms to sign to enable
staff to administer medication.
We ask that you provide one, preferably two, changes of clothes to store in your
child’s locker. We have a very limited supply of extra clothing and would prefer
that your child be cleanly and comfortably dressed.
Please ensure that all of your child’s clothing (shirts, pants, boots, runners,
mitts, scarves, jackets, etc.) are clearly labeled. This will ease all
frustrations due to mix ups.
Please take care to notice seasonal changes in weather. Children should be
dressed accordingly. During the warm months please provide loose- fitting, cool
clothing that can be sprayed with insect repellent so that we do not have to
apply this product to the child’s skin. This is helpful also for avoiding direct
contact with the sun’s rays.
In the summer if your child would like to
participate in summer water fun, he/she must have a swimsuit and if not toilet
trained must have “swim” diapers.
In rain season, the children must have
waterproof outerwear and rubber boots. Things to remember in the winter are snow
pants, hats, mitts, neck warmer and warm boots. Keep your child safe in all
sorts of weather! Extra mitts and socks are recommended. Rates are based on a daily rate of $20 and include all
meals and most field trips. Angel’s may occasionally ask for money to offset
the cost of the more expensive field trips. Discounts may be given for
advance payments. Angel’s is not accepting subsidies at this time, but will
consider a bartering system. Samples would be the use of a cabin in lieu of
fees. Billing is done weekly in the summer,
unless other arrangements are made. Payment is accepted in cash, cheque or money
order; all payments to be made to Angel’s Childcare Home. Payments not received
within one week are considered late. Late payments
will be charged a late fee of $20.00. If payments are more than two
weeks late, your child may be withdrawn and another child allowed to fill that
spot. If a cheque is returned for any reason,
the parent will be responsible for submitting fees in the form of cash, money
order or certified cheque only, from that point on. NSF cheques will be subject
to an additional $30.00 fee to cover bookkeeping and banking costs. Fee Schedule:
Infants 3 to 12 months - $30
for full-time days/overnight Age 1 to 2 years - $25 for
full-time days/overnight Age 3 to 12 years - $20 for
full-time days/overnight Casual Care, any age - $5
per hour
Please call if your child
will not attending on a regularly scheduled day. Please give as much notice as
possible as to the hours and days of care needed.
Should you be later than expected, please take a
moment to notify us of the situation.
Withdrawal Policy
As part of the registration process
all parents/guardians will be asked about any and all custody arrangements for
their children that are being enrolled in our program.
For the safety of all involved
please share any information regarding non-custodial parents/guardians with the
director. For legal purposes non-custodial parents and non-custodial legal
guardians cannot be denied access to their child(ren) if we do not have current
copies of custody and/or restraining orders on file in the centre.
All information pertaining to your child(ren)
will be kept confidential. Parents may have access to their child(ren)'s file
upon request. Child information will only be disclosed once written consent from
the child's parent/guardian has been received, except in the case of suspected
abuse, whereby information will be released to the appropriate child welfare
agencies and/or the police.
The Child and Family Services Act (1989)
states that anyone who has information that leads that person reasonably to
believe that a child is being or has been abused, or is in need of protection,
must report this suspicion.
Therefore, in the event that we suspect the
abuse of a child, we will:
1. Keep accurate and detailed records of that
child - noting any change in mood, behaviour and/or appearance.
2. If possible, openly discuss these changes
with the child .
3. If necessary a report will be made to the
proper authorities.
a definition The word
"discipline" is derived from the word disciple. It describes the
teaching/learning process by which children develop socially acceptable and
appropriate behaviour as they grow to maturity. Discipline is something that adults do with and for children,
rather than something done to children to stop them from behaving in
undesirable ways. Its
intention is to help children become self-disciplined, as they learn appropriate
and acceptable behaviour patterns. Discipline involves a continuous
process of guiding behaviour and is offered while acceptable behaviour is
occurring, as well as before, during and after unacceptable behaviour may be
displayed. We use a
number of positive guiding techniques with the children. The key to behaviour
management is effective communication; between the child and his/her peers and
between the child and his/her caregivers. We will be clear in our expectations
of the children and we encourage children to attempt to express themselves
verbally. We also encourage children to solve their own problems. Violent
&/or aggressive behaviour (physical or verbal) from children or adults is not
allowed. Physical
punishment, such as striking or hitting, is never used. Children are never
denied necessities, shamed or ridiculed. These
guidelines will be adapted for use with children in a variety of ages and
stages. The
Children will learn to: I.
Respect themselves, other children and elders. We
help children respect themselves and others by respecting them.
for not respecting oneself and others will depend on the type and intensity of
the disrespect shown. There is no tolerance for violent and aggressive behaviour
here. Violence and/or aggression will be dealt with firmly using the following
techniques: The
consequences for not respecting oneself or others in a non-violent or aggressive
manner will be dealt with by talking to the
child(ren) and if necessary using mediation techniques. Children will be guided
in learning more positive forms of communication. II.
Respect toys, equipment and supplies.
Taking care of equipment ensures that it is available for use by all of the
Consequences for not respecting toys, equipment and supplies will be:
The child will be talked to about the incident.
The child may have to put away the item in question.
If necessary the privilege of using the item will be
suspended for a specified period of time. If
it is not yours, ask. If the answer is no, leave it alone.
Consequences for not respecting other's belongings will be:
The child will be talked to.
If necessary (i.e. something is broken or actions are
repeated) the situation will be discussed with the parents. IV.
Be Responsible for their own behaviour - both negative and positive. An open
line of communication between our children and ourselves is imperative. We can
teach children to be responsible for their own behaviour by: setting realistic and clear limits and rules. encouraging them to seek out help when there is a problem. showing them ways to find solutions to their problems themselves. allowing them to experience some natural and logical consequences for
their behaviour. handling problems calmly ourselves. concentrating on the positive aspects of their behaviour - celebrate
successes. Consequences for not being responsible for their own behaviour will be:
1. Depending
on the incident, a child may be allowed to experience the natural or logical
consequence for this behaviour. The child’s safety will first be taken into
2. The
child will be talked to about the incident and alternative solutions will be
sought; mediation may be used.
A loss of some privileges for a specified period of
time. During this time the child may be requested to do some childcare-related
chores, i.e. sort toys and/or books, wash toys, organize papers, sort the
recycle bin, etc. Parents will be notified if problems persist. Children
will stay with the group and their partner. Everyone will follow the rules set
down by the owners/operators of the places that are visited. Consequences for not being responsible for one's behaviour during a field trip
will be:
1. The
child may be required to miss the next field trip or outing. This may mean that
alternate care arrangements will have to be made for the day of the missed field
trip or outing. Parents will be notified.
In extreme cases the parent will be called to pick up
the child from the field trip location. VI.
Be Responsible for cleaning up their own mess.
We can teach children to do this by working
along side them and not criticizing a job not done perfectly.
Consequences for not being responsible for cleaning up their own mess will be:
The child will not be allowed to take out and use that
piece of equipment or the supplies for a specified period of time.
They may be expected to clean up after another child
to show what it feels like to have to pick up after someone else.
- Restate 3. Ask person # 2: WHAT HAPPENED? - Restate HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED?
- Restate 4. Ask questions that will help you to understand the problem. (how
long; how often; when; what do you mean; etc.)
C. FINDING SOLUTIONS 1. Ask person # 1: WHAT CAN YOU DO TO SOLVE THIS PROBLEM? - Restate Ask person # 2: DO YOU AGREE WITH THIS SOLUTION? 2. Ask person # 2: WHAT CAN YOU DO TO SOLVE THIS PROBLEM? - Restate Ask person # 1: DO YOU AGREE WITH THIS SOLUTION? 3. Ask: ARE THERE ANY OTHER PROBLEMS BETWEEN THE TWO OF YOU? If the answer is "yes" go through steps "B" and "C"
again. After
the disputants have agreed upon solutions, ask each disputant: IS
________________________________. Phone numbers: ________________________ Child lives with
_______________________. Relationship to child: _________________________ Child lives with
_______________________. Relationship to child: _________________________ Siblings living at home:
____________________________________________________________ Food likes:
____________________________________________________________________ Food dislikes:
__________________________________________________________________ Allergies:
______________________________________________________________________ On any medication?
Please list and note frequency: _______________________________________ Any other special care
needs? _______________________________________________________ Anything else you want us to know
about your child? ______________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________ Permission to apply sunscreen?
_____ Permission to apply bug repellent? ______
Permission to take
photos? _____ Permission to share photos? ______
Permission to be driven
in personal vehicle? ______ Notes:
Photos are a wonderful way to share moments of the children’s
day with their families. Looking back at photos brings back happy memories
of the fun they have had. For this reason, Angel’s not only takes photos of
individual children, but also of the children interacting with their play
mates. Children enjoy sharing these pictures with their friends and
family. For this reason, creating photo memory books for each child is a
part of the program. For this I need parent or guardian permission.
I give permission for my child, _____________________________to be
photographed at Angel’s and on field trips.
I give permission for copies of these photos to be shared with the other
Photos of the children will also be added to our website, with permission of
parent/guardian. The photos could be close up with face showing, or
distance, with face not showing.
I give permission for photos of my children to appear on Angel’s web site.
Signed: ____________________________ Date: _________________________
As there are many interesting places to visit, in and around the
city, and field trips are an integral part of the program, Angel’s needs
permission to transport children in Angel’s personal vehicle.
I give permission for my child, _____________________ to be transported in
Angel’s personal vehicle:
Within the city limits: Yes___ No ___ Outside the city limits:
Yes ___ No ___
Signed: __________________________ Date:
Parents will be made aware of any field trips that are not walking distance
from Angel’s.
Should parents have reservations about transportation or field trips, we
will attempt to come to a solution, whether it involves public transit, the
parent’s vehicle or any other suitable solution. There may be times when
public transportation is the preferred travel method for city trips.
Safe, fun, learning experiences are what we are all about!
Quality Care at your
Angel’s is run by a certified ECE II">
Angel’s is run by a certified ECE II">
Angel’s is run by a certified ECE II">
Angel’s is run by a certified ECE II, who has experience with all ages as
well as with children with varying degrees of physical and mental challenges.
Angel’s is here to provide early childhood education and nurturing care
in a home environment. As such, there will be provision for all age groups,
with evening and overnight care available as needed. Occasional and part time
children are welcome. Fees are charged only for days that the child is
present. Angel’s believes that keeping the numbers of children
low, allows for a more natural family environment and provides the children with
more attentive caregivers. Should the need warrant it, a dependable, committed
substitute/assistant will be hired on part time basis. Children will have access
to a variety of learning experiences, through art, nature, field trips, books,
puzzles and free play activities.
Our philosophy is to encourage the growth of
each child as an individual and as a member of a family, a peer group and a
community. This growth is encouraged in an environment that is safe, nurturing
and respectful of individual needs.
Children have the right to:
Fire Drills
Frequent fire drills will be implemented with the children to help them become
aware of safety procedures. They will take place approximately monthly. Fire
drills will take place more often in warm weather, less often in winter.
Each incident is recorded by the staff and then brought to the parent’s
attention. After your review and authorization the report is signed by the
director and placed in your child’s file.
All staff members are required to maintain
their Emergency First-Aid and Infant and Child CPR. In case of an injury that
requires emergency care a staff will contact the parent or parent designate as
indicated on the registration form.
A sense of knowing what is going to happen each day will make the child feel
comfortable and help them to actively participate in the experiences. Our
program for the children is a combination of both planned and free play
activities which revolve around a daily routine. As different children arrive
and go at different times depending on who is registered, the program will be
tailored to fit and adjusted as necessary. An approximation of snack and meal
times, etc. will be posted.
Nursery or Kindergarten children will be escorted directly to their classroom.
They will be picked up from their classroom and escorted back to the centre.
Angel’s Childcare Home tries to expose children to experiences outside of the
Centre as frequently as we are able to afford. We do our utmost to choose those
that cost little or nothing to parents. On occasion, we may ask for donations
to offset the cost. Field trips are optional and parents may keep their child at
home. Permission slips for trips involving transportation must be signed the
day before the trip. Transportation will likely be with the Director’s personal
We believe that rest/sleep is important in the growth and development of young
children. Therefore, all infants and preschool-age children are given the
opportunity to rest when needed. Toddlers and pre-school children will be
encouraged to have a nap after lunch
Items from Home
Parents are asked to discourage their child from bringing personal toys or any
other items from home. Not only can these toys cause sad feelings if they are
not shared adequately, pieces of and whole toys have been known to disappear.
If you child has diarrhea, not related to teething, please do not bring him/her
into the centre. If your child has two incidents of watery stools while at the
centre, you will be contacted and asked to pick up your child. Exclusion is
helpful in preventing the spread of this illness to others in the daycare.
Ear Infection
Ear infections are not usually contagious, but can cause the child a great
amount of discomfort, fever and pain. For this reason we ask that the child not
attend the child care centre until these symptoms have subsided.
Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis)
Children with the condition must be excluded from the centre for at least
twenty-four hours after beginning prescribed treatment. Your family physician
may recommend an even longer period of exclusion depending on the cause of the
infection. Please follow his/her advice.
Skin Rash
Diagnosis by a physician is required. Proper treatment must be started and your
physician’s advice regarding exclusion must be followed.
Please do not bring you child into the centre if he/she has vomited during the
night or upon waking in the morning. If your child has a vomiting episode at the
centre you will be contacted to pick him/her up.
Strep Throat
Children with this illness must be excluded from contact with other children in
the centre until he/she has been on antibiotics for at least twenty-four hours,
as this disease is very contagious and can lead to serious complications. Prompt
medical attention is recommended if you suspect your child has strep throat.
Please let us know if you have noticed any behaviour that may be a sign of
impending sickness. If the child has diarrhea, vomiting, or a fever of more
than 38.5°C (101°F) please keep them at home.
Please ensure that any and all medicine/medication is handed directly to a staff
member. This ensures that the containers are safely locked in the fridge or
Please send children dressed so that they can concentrate on having fun and not
worry about staying clean. Remember; paint, glue, sand, mud, grass, snow and
rain are a part of each of our days in one way or another. Children should be
dressed for the weather as they usually go outside for a portion of every day,
weather permitting. It is important to encourage the children’s self-help skills
and to develop their sense of independence; therefore, we suggest that clothing
be comfortable and easily handled by little fingers.
There is a suggested 2 week (10 working days) written notice for withdrawal.
This is requested so that we may have appropriate time to fill your child’s spot
without loss of income to the centre.
III. Respect people’s personal belongings.
V. Be Responsible for their own behaviour during field trips and outings.
Child Information Sheet
________________________________. Age _____. Birth date:
Yes ___ No ___
Yes ___ No ___ distance only ___
Transportation permission form